Our Staff

Alison Sommerville

Alison is our Project Manager and is based in Campbell House.
She works closely with the team to ensure that our work runs smoothly and reaches as many people as possible.

Gill Law

Gill works part-time as our Fundraiser, working closely with our local and national Funders, actively marketing the work and impact of Common Wheel.

Fiona Macdonald

Fiona leads our music team, assisted by Stuart. The team are all trained musicians who run participatory music workshops in a range of settings including local care homes, hospital wards and in our music space in Campbell House at Gartnavel Royal Hospital.​

Stuart Cromarty

Stuart coordinates the music sessions in mental health hospital wards and care homes. He also delivers sessions himself.

​​Neil Mcdonald

Neil is one of our bike engineers and is based at our Maryhill workshop. He is passionate about bikes and uses his skills to teach others how to build their own bike.

​​Steven Mitchell

Steven is one of our bike engineers and is based at our workshop in Bridgeton.​

Heather Brown

Heather is our Participation and Volunteering Coordinator. She works across all of our projects to support participants and volunteers during their time at Common Wheel.

Kath Pender

Kath is our climbing coordinator. She is passionate about the mental health benefits of climbing and supports our participants from beginners through to more advanced.

Wendy Shaw

Wendy is our Carnival Club Coordinator and works alongside our lead artist to run our participatory arts sessions.