Bikes we have worked on

This ladies’ Raleigh came from the factory with derailleur gears and drop handlebars, but it’s been changed to hub gears and North Road bars. This is the kind of bike we sell then never see again, as they work well for about 2 years before any maintenance is needed.
This looks scruffy but it works. Often people want a bike that won’t get nicked. This bike was in for a repair after the customer had had a go at fixing it himself and failed.
This is a boring hybrid. Boring is good when you use the bike every day. Boring means it just works. Boring means you get on it and ride and don’t have to go to the bike shop all the time to get it fixed. Boring means it doesn’t get stolen or vandalised. Boring is what you want when you ride for transport.
A black Flying Scot. It’s a classic bike.
This vivid green bike is an old steel frame, in this case a Harry Quinn, that we have completely rebuilt to the customer’s specification. This kind of bike is known today as a light tourer or Audax bike; back in the day it was called a Clubman’s bike. These are good for commuting, pleasure rides and light touring.

Want to see more of our bikes? Neil runs our Maryhill workshop and created Uncommon Wheel to accommodate his overflowing desire to tell people about bikes.